Monday, June 28, 2010
I forgive Chris brown do you?
So you guys know how i felt about the chris brown and rihanna situation...but i really think chris is trying to over come it he served his time .... He has expressed his endless sympathy in regards to what he did previously and to this day he continues to let us know he is sorry for his past transgressions...i honestly think he is truely sorry and wants to move forward and i undoubtly think we should give him another chance.. I know its going to be hard but he was just a kid when the incident occured he needs us to all remember that & Not because he is a celebrity but because he was young an mistakes happen to us all, not to mention he is 1 of the very very few actually TALENTED celebrities out there, i dont want him to go no where esp after a performance like this 1!
i forgive you bro do you?
P.S. shots out to my sis Porscha Coleman getting her screen shot lol!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sunspots come and go, but recently they have mostly gone. For centuries, astronomers have recorded when these dark blemishes on the solar surface emerge, only to fade away after a few days, weeks or months. Thanks to their efforts, we know that sunspot numbers ebb and flow in cycles lasting about 11 years.
Why is the sun losing its spots?
Scientists find a big drop in the strength of solar magnetic fields
But for the past two years, the sunspots have mostly been missing. Their absence, the most prolonged in nearly 100 years, has taken even seasoned sun watchers by surprise. "This is solar behavior we haven't seen in living memory," says David Hathaway, a physicist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.
The sun is under scrutiny as never before, thanks to an armada of space telescopes. The results they beam back are portraying our nearest star, and its influence on Earth, in a new light. Sunspots and other clues indicate that the sun's magnetic activity is diminishing and that the sun may even be shrinking. Together, the results hint that something profound is happening inside the sun. The big question is: What?
Groups of sunspots forewarn of gigantic solar storms that can unleash a billion times more energy than an atomic bomb. Fears that these giant eruptions could create havoc on Earth and disputes over the sun's role in climate change are adding urgency to these studies. When NASA and the European Space Agency launched the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory almost 15 years ago, "understanding the solar cycle was not one of its scientific objectives," says Bernhard Fleck, the mission's project scientist. "Now it is one of the key questions."
Sunspots are windows into the sun's magnetic soul. They form where giant loops of magnetism, generated deep inside the sun, well up and burst through the surface, leading to a localized drop in temperature that we see as a dark patch. Any changes in sunspot numbers reflect changes inside the sun. "During this transition, the sun is giving us a real glimpse into its interior," says Hathaway.
When sunspot numbers drop at the end of each 11-year cycle, solar storms die down and all becomes much calmer. This "solar minimum" doesn't last long. Within a year, the spots and storms begin to build toward a new crescendo, the next solar maximum.
What's special about this latest dip is that the sun is having trouble starting the next solar cycle. The sun began to calm down in late 2007, so no one expected many sunspots in 2008. But computer models predicted that when the spots did return, they would do so in force. Hathaway was reported as thinking the next solar cycle would be a doozy: more sunspots, more solar storms and more energy blasted into space. Others predicted that it would be the most active solar cycle on record.
The trouble was, no one told the sun.
The first sign that the prediction was wrong came when 2008 turned out to be even calmer than expected. That year, the sun was spot-free 73 percent of the time, an extreme dip even for a solar minimum. Only the minimum of 1913 was more pronounced, with 85 percent of that year clear.
As 2009 arrived, solar physicists looked for some action. They didn't get it. The sun continued to languish until mid-December, when the largest group of sunspots to emerge in several years appeared. Even with the solar cycle finally underway again, the number of sunspots has so far been well below expectations. Something appears to have changed inside the sun, something the models did not predict. But what?
The flood of observations from space- and ground-based telescopes suggests that the answer lies in the behavior of two vast conveyor belts of gas that endlessly cycle material and magnetism through the sun's interior and out across its surface. On average it takes 40 years for the conveyor belts to complete a circuit.
When Hathaway's NASA team looked over the observations to find out where their models had gone wrong, they noticed that the conveyor-belt flows of gas across the sun's surface have been speeding up since 2004.

Lawrence Taylor has been indicted on rape charges for the incident involving a 16-year old girl prostitute he allegedly hired.
In addition to rape, a grand jury also indicted the NFL Hall of Famer on the following charges: criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute.
Taylor was arrested in May at a Holiday Inn outside NYC. Prosecutors say he paid the girl $300 to have sex. Taylor denies having sex with her."
Maybe im ignorant or just plan stupid but how is it rape if she consented to the incident for money? criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute -YES But RAPE-HELL NO!!
In addition to rape, a grand jury also indicted the NFL Hall of Famer on the following charges: criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute.
Taylor was arrested in May at a Holiday Inn outside NYC. Prosecutors say he paid the girl $300 to have sex. Taylor denies having sex with her."
Maybe im ignorant or just plan stupid but how is it rape if she consented to the incident for money? criminal sexual act, sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and patronizing a prostitute -YES But RAPE-HELL NO!!
Bitch! I don’t wanna sit next to you, either at courtside!!

Not a dull moment in Lakerland! Amidst the euphoria and celebration of another Los Angeles Lakers championship season comes reports that Vanessa Bryant, Kobe’s wife, cannot stand Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom’s wifey and that Vanessa called her an attention grabbing, fame seeking “fake wife!!” Oh boy…
Just what Laker fans need…the wives wrecking team chemistry!!
In Touch Weekly reports Vanessa Bryant has been ostracizing the new Mrs. Odom–who recently showered her hubby Lamar with a $400,000 Rolls Royce congratulatory present–because she’s a “fake” wife. And she won’t even let her in the inner sanctum of the basketball wives:
Khloe Kardashian is feeling unloved–not because of her husband, Lamar Odom, but because of one of his Lakers teammates’ wives. According to an insider, Kobe Bryant’s wife, Vanessa, “hates” Khloe and her entire family, whom she sees as attention-grabbing fame-seekers. And instead of hiding her feelings, Vanessa refuses to have anything to do with the 26-year-old. “She won’t sit anywhere near Khloe at Lakers games,” the insider reveals, adding that because of Vanessa’s dislike of her, Khloe has been shut out of the tight-knit circle the other Lakers’ wives have formed. “At a dinner for the wives, Vanessa didn’t want to invite Khloe,” the insider shares. “She said Khloe is a ‘fake wife,’ and she didn’t want fake wives there.” The feeling is mutual. The insider says Khloe and Vanessa have “gotten into fights” in the past. And at the Lakers’ NBA Finals game on June 17, Khloe brought Lamar’s two children, as well as her mom, Kris, and siblings Kim, Rob, Kendall and Kylie–and they all stayed far away from Vanessa.
Laker Moma Drama!! LOL!! Apparently Vanessa is head spokeswife among Laker wives and you know how much those Kardashians don’t like being in the background!! Vanessa appears to be a control freak herself so babygirl ain’t exempt from criticism either!!
I say get these two on a Laker championship float and let them pull each other’s hair out! Fake boobs, extensions and Lee press-ons are sure to fly from the fray so we’ll really have a clearer view of who’s the fake wife!! Who you got your money on??
SOURCE: HUFFINGTON POST written by Carlton Jordan

Not a dull moment in Lakerland! Amidst the euphoria and celebration of another Los Angeles Lakers championship season comes reports that Vanessa Bryant, Kobe’s wife, cannot stand Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom’s wifey and that Vanessa called her an attention grabbing, fame seeking “fake wife!!” Oh boy…
Just what Laker fans need…the wives wrecking team chemistry!!
In Touch Weekly reports Vanessa Bryant has been ostracizing the new Mrs. Odom–who recently showered her hubby Lamar with a $400,000 Rolls Royce congratulatory present–because she’s a “fake” wife. And she won’t even let her in the inner sanctum of the basketball wives:
Khloe Kardashian is feeling unloved–not because of her husband, Lamar Odom, but because of one of his Lakers teammates’ wives. According to an insider, Kobe Bryant’s wife, Vanessa, “hates” Khloe and her entire family, whom she sees as attention-grabbing fame-seekers. And instead of hiding her feelings, Vanessa refuses to have anything to do with the 26-year-old. “She won’t sit anywhere near Khloe at Lakers games,” the insider reveals, adding that because of Vanessa’s dislike of her, Khloe has been shut out of the tight-knit circle the other Lakers’ wives have formed. “At a dinner for the wives, Vanessa didn’t want to invite Khloe,” the insider shares. “She said Khloe is a ‘fake wife,’ and she didn’t want fake wives there.” The feeling is mutual. The insider says Khloe and Vanessa have “gotten into fights” in the past. And at the Lakers’ NBA Finals game on June 17, Khloe brought Lamar’s two children, as well as her mom, Kris, and siblings Kim, Rob, Kendall and Kylie–and they all stayed far away from Vanessa.
Laker Moma Drama!! LOL!! Apparently Vanessa is head spokeswife among Laker wives and you know how much those Kardashians don’t like being in the background!! Vanessa appears to be a control freak herself so babygirl ain’t exempt from criticism either!!
I say get these two on a Laker championship float and let them pull each other’s hair out! Fake boobs, extensions and Lee press-ons are sure to fly from the fray so we’ll really have a clearer view of who’s the fake wife!! Who you got your money on??
SOURCE: HUFFINGTON POST written by Carlton Jordan
DRAKE'S "Thank Me Later" sold nearly 500K its first week making it the highest debut of the year! Ifor 1 didnt go out and buy it but im just 1 person so...Anyway, if anyone cant see that puffy is trying to recreate all his old groups that left his ass or went on to a better place without him IE - TOTAL= Dawn richards Biggie= Rick Rose and Nicki Minij=Lil Kim then they are blind as BATS!! IMJUSTSAYING!!

Uuum sorry you missed the meat bus bro i guess you are living up to your last name lol just kidding white people lol!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sherri E Shepherd the dumbest women on the planet
Today i watch the view for the first time since whoopi went on vacation and i couldnt believe my ears.. Sherri shepard was on the show saying the most old and ridiculous un factual ass propaganda statement since the early 90's
SHE STATED THAT HIV AMOUNGST BLACK WOMEN IS HIGH BECAUSE OF DL MAN - Sweet heart wtf did u get your evidence from The reason for the high rate of HIV transmission among Black women is NOT because of Black men on the "down low." The reason is because of UNPROTECTED HETEROSEXUAL SEX AND DRUG USE!
how could a fat lady of her stature fuel such false statements with no documented evidence NO WHERE to support her Claims, not even in AFRICA WHERE half the population is infected and its its PRIME SOURCE IS UNPROTECTED HETEROSEXUAL SEX..
It's unbelievable how stupid Sherri is. I would suggest to her that she go to her local Health Department and pick up some literature on HIV/Aids and educate herself. If she only knew how she inforced to the world that if you have sex with men who only have sex with women you WILL NOT GET HIV ....AND THAT IS A LIE ..AND COULD BE MURDEROUS/DANGEROUS LIE AT THAT!
the more SHE speak, the more ignorant SHE sounds its 2010 know your facts dumbass.
SHE STATED THAT HIV AMOUNGST BLACK WOMEN IS HIGH BECAUSE OF DL MAN - Sweet heart wtf did u get your evidence from The reason for the high rate of HIV transmission among Black women is NOT because of Black men on the "down low." The reason is because of UNPROTECTED HETEROSEXUAL SEX AND DRUG USE!
how could a fat lady of her stature fuel such false statements with no documented evidence NO WHERE to support her Claims, not even in AFRICA WHERE half the population is infected and its its PRIME SOURCE IS UNPROTECTED HETEROSEXUAL SEX..
It's unbelievable how stupid Sherri is. I would suggest to her that she go to her local Health Department and pick up some literature on HIV/Aids and educate herself. If she only knew how she inforced to the world that if you have sex with men who only have sex with women you WILL NOT GET HIV ....AND THAT IS A LIE ..AND COULD BE MURDEROUS/DANGEROUS LIE AT THAT!
the more SHE speak, the more ignorant SHE sounds its 2010 know your facts dumbass.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Now of course we know the beautiful heart thrub Megan Fox from the hit movie Transformers..And we all know she became that beautiful with a little help from the plastic surgeon (nose job, boobs) AND I FOR 1 THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AND A MAJOR IMPROVEMENT THE FIRST TIME AROUND. it took you from a cute 30 yo Down to an exotic BEAUTIFUL 22 yo

BUT THIS NEW MEGAN!!! now i do agree you are still beautiful, even with this new surgery (lips, cheeks,), but i think it just ADDED about 20 years to the beautiful youthful under 25 look you had just last week. YOU STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A BEAUTIFUL 40 Year old! NO MORE SURGE PLEASE!

BUT THIS NEW MEGAN!!! now i do agree you are still beautiful, even with this new surgery (lips, cheeks,), but i think it just ADDED about 20 years to the beautiful youthful under 25 look you had just last week. YOU STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A BEAUTIFUL 40 Year old! NO MORE SURGE PLEASE!

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