As I arrived on the red Carpet in my Limo with a Couple of my friends, I couldn't have had more anticipation to be at this year BET Awards Ceremony, Because of the newly planned dedication/Tribute to Michael Jackson. I felt it would be historical and my obligation to attend so I had to be there in person. BET did not let me down either, from the beginning to the end, I was entertained. I laughed, I sung and at some points I even wanted to cry. BET Jamie Fox was the best pick you guys ever made to host the show. He was great! He kept me laughing and the boy can SING, I mean really sing he is so talented. With every show it has its highs and lows but not really 2 many lows with this one, other then giving Don Cornelius (Previous host of Soul train) so much damn dialogue, I damn near fell asleep and so did 50 percent of the audience Lol. The tribute to the O'jays and the O'jays themselves was amazing. Tevin Campbell is back and still got it, but why was he blinking like that? Was something in his eyes? Trey Sungs, Tyrese Gibson, Johnny Gill gave me the 2009 version of the O'jays and all sounded amazing. Ne-yo boy you know you can sing, I mean he sounded exactly like Michael and gave you Michael in every way you are definitely the R &B Man of the year, BUT WAS THIS THE DAMN NE-YO SHOW? He was in every segment. I kinda started to get tired of seeing him, but then I thought about it he had to take Chris Browns "The girl friend Beater" Place. I AM SO GLAD AND PROUD OF BET FOR NOT LETTING CHRIS BROWN COME ANYWHERE NEAR THAT STAGE! what kind of message would that have sent to our youth if they had. Keisha Cole I love you girl, you and your mother Franky. You always give me a heartfelt soulful performance, you actually sounded & looked really good. BUT! You need to smack the hell out of who ever idea it was to let you bring Monica on that stage with you! Miss Monica out sung you from start to finish. THAT WAS A BAD IDEA for you Keisha, but a good one for Miss Monica. She is back! Sounding amazing and looking HOT! Everybody else on the show that performed did alright but nothing else worth mentioning BUT BEYONCE! Omg Beyonce. BEYONCE! Beyonce, WOW! Your performance of "Ava Maria" was riveting, Classic, timeless, beautiful, Fabulous and exhalting. You made every other person that hit that stage after you or before you (Kerri Hilson) look like they couldn't compare to you on any aspect, ESP not body & beauty, and definitely not vocally. I would like to lastly Commend BET on a show well done! ESP being One that was put together in 4 days because of Micheal's death and turning out to be one of the best BET awards shows ever. I would like to also commend you all for bringing out Doctors and Mayors and Alicia keys, Wyclef john with there message of empowerment and triumph to the young and to our people, GREAT JOB BET! And i know you guys put the Awards performances together in 4 days but um did you guys also put the actual Awards together in 4 days TO? Because Lebron James should not have won "Best Athlete" CLEARLY IT WAS KOBE BRYANT, I guess after they booed his ass for damn near a minute you guys got the picture because when I watched the taping on TV Today you folks replaced the Boo's with applause LOL! STILL BET GREAT JOB!!!!
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