You know honestly I thought the movie wasn't so bad. i have read tons of reviews smashing the film and me personally you have to give credit where credit is do. Besides the fact the image it portrayed about black women as if rape, suicide, depression, whorism, dl boyfriends, aids, etc... is a big part of our culture... which is something i didn't like at all, because its not, at least not from the black women i know and grow up around and my community. These issues happens with blacks like it happens with all other races not just "for colored girls". But besides that, We have to realize this movie is not the thoughts of Tyler perry but of the author of the poems, Tyler Perry had to make the film relateable to the viewers his films market toward. We all knew when we went to go see the movie it was going to be DRAMA, as in any of TP films w/a EXTRA DOSE of drama added to the drama, some shirtless muscle bound men, and more drama. What did u expect? This still was a Tyler Perry film. Tyler Perry from the Madea plays, to the big screen, he hasn't changed that much... And even thou he hasn't changed his overall view or direction, his plays, movies do get better and better. These type of films is his brand and what made him the millionaire that he is today. Have to give him that. he knows what he is doing. As far as the film as a whole, it wasn't bad at all.. The actresses besides Thandie Newton, played roles that where very similar if not the same character to previous roles thay had played before. So the level of there compatibility with the characters and delivery they portrayed was actually pretty good. Thandie newton gave me an amazing depiction of a whore esp being a role or character i have never seen her portray, i thought she did a pretty good job (is she Spanish by the way-i kept getting some type of accent but cant place my finger on it). All the actresses to me did great. Seriously i almost cried when that guy dropped those two kids out the window. The movie did have some bad guys in it, i mean REAL BAD GUYS! I'm not sure if TP direction was to make "the Black men" the antagonist of the Entire film but "The Cop/detective/Donald" role played by Hill Harper was a very good role and a positive role for us good guys. So it wasn't all negative.. The movie to me was def a step up for tp i enjoyed it and wouldn't mind going to see it again. So on a scale to 1-10 i give it an 8. Lastly Tyler i think you are def growing as a director and a producer, but i would love to see you direct something out of your norm, like maybe a sci fi film or a history based film on Egypt, Africa, Nubia etc.. Or even an Action packed film. Sometimes i know exactly what your movie will be about, how it will end, and the moral of the whole film just by watching the first 10 min..I WANT SOMETHING MORE FROM YOU ON YOUR NEXT PROJECT..time to take TP studios to the next level! I'm a fan, i respect where you came from and where you are going, and as an actor i respect your craft..SO LETS SEE WHATS NEXT SHALL WE!
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