Today a Press Release was put out by a woman named Sharon Wright aka Omarions Publicist stating
“I pride myself in being an honest, God Fearing, respectful man. I have kept my personal life private and wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, other’s are interested in profiting from my anguish; so before they can do that, i will clarify things. I am not at all what certain ex-band members are trying to paint me as, I am however a respectable, mature, proud, bisexual man.”
but Omarion Denys the entire thing saying
@1Omarion OMARION Twitter
Check it out 'I DID NOT RELEASE THAT STATEMENT',whatever you like is your business but I AINT GAY OR BISEXUAL,I love women PERIOD!!!!!!!
I honestly dont know if Omarion is gay, bi, straight, a flower or what.... But if he is or isnt i dont think he is Crazy enough to Admit it when 95% of his fans, itune downloads and people who buy his tour tickets are straight girls/women. Im not sure if he is stable enough, has balls enough or in a sense dumb enough, to come out at ths point in his career. So im not BUYING THE STATEMENT BY SHARON ...Sorry!
but UUMM im not sure what I believe thou about his sexuality as a whole esp with the Razb Confessions and all But the "PAUSE POLICE" DEF NEED TO COME OUT AND INSPECT THIS PICTURE.... lol

Gay, Bi or straight i could careless Omarion keep doing you, or him, or her, or whatever the hell it is you do in your bed...thats your damn bizness no1 elses!
Don't actually know who this is (being London UK based), and wouldn't be that fussed anyway. BUT - I like your reporting of it as it made me chuckle, enjoyed the story, and your last sentence smacked wisdom, done in the way only you could.