Picture tooken by MediaTakeout.com
MediaTakeOut.com just received some very SAD NEWS. Actress Eva Pigford and her fiance Lance Gross may be over.Here's what popped off. Eva and Lance were in Miami for Superbowl week. The two attended tons of A-List parties together and even planned on sitting in one of the luxury suites at the Super Bowl.Well, on Friday Lance and Eva were at an event and Lance was surrounded by groupies. And according to MediaTakeOut.com's snitch, instead of shooing away the thirsty ladies, Lance left his fiance for them.The insider explained, "It was embarrassing, Eva was left to the side while he and his friends kicked it with those groupies. I felt so embarrassed for Eva."To Eva's credit, the girl ain't NO PUNK. She left Lance THAT NIGHT. Ole girl hopped on the next plane back to Los Angeles and left Lance to enjoy his groupies . . . Hope they can work this out . .
Story by DaileyFill.com
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