For some people, Friday's announcement can't come soon enough.
As Tonic reported yesterday, Tiger Woods is going to be speaking on Friday for the first time in months about his past, his future and so he can issue an apology. Well, it seems that people are so excited about the potential apology that they're already posting a leaked version of it.
According to NBC Sports' Out of Bounds, a country and western station, WKSF-FM, in Asheville, N.C., got its hands on the text of the message, which you can see here. Included within it is how things haven't worked out between Woods and his wife, how he plans to play in the Masters (as has been speculated upon), and that he apologizes to everyone and plans to be a better Tiger Woods. Well, then it comes out that the New York Daily News is reporting that Tiger's team is saying the transcript is "absolutely false," as one would expect Tiger's team to do. Meanwhile, neither radio station that Out of Bounds' Rick Chandler contacted has responded to his emails.
Meanwhile, per ESPN, Tiger's catching some heat from Ernie Els about the timing of the announcement, since it's happening in the middle of the WGC-Accenture Match Play Championship and could've instead been delayed until Monday. Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, is quoted in the article as having told Golfweek, "There is a very good reason [to do it Friday] … and not do it next week." And that begs the question what that good reason is. We here at Tonic hope it's something involving, perhaps, a rather large charitable contribution, or some other good news that they couldn't wait to announce. We can dream, right?
And in other (somewhat oddly) related news, the Hollywood Reporter reported last night that Spike TV has green lit a pilot that's golf-themed — and has a caddy named Tiger who has a sex addiction. Well, that's … interesting. According to the article, the Tiger character was part of an early script in 2008, more than a year before the SUV crash that started this entire Tiger free-fall.
Who knows what else will come out between now and 11 a.m. ET tomorrow. Whatever it is, the anticipation continues to build.
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